Another friend of my daughter’s turned 1 this weekend! AJ’s parents both coach baseball and softball so AJ has spent much of his young life on the field. And the kid loves to throw! He throws anything and everything. He even pretends to throw when there’s nothing around for him to get his hands on. And he’s got a good arm too!
Anyway, it was only fitting that they throw him a baseball-themed 1st birthday party!
The cake (vanilla cake with fudge filling) was iced in green buttercream and topped with a baseball field made of fondant. Then, we hand-made a bat and ball out of Rice Krispies Treats and a hat out of more cake!
Of course, AJ’s smash cake had to look like a baseball…
And no party is complete without cookie favors!
AJ’s Mommy set up some amazing decorations, including a “Concession Stand” for the other kids at the party. Don’t you just love that she included Big League Chew???
And here’s the baseball-loving family!
I’ve never seen a 1-year-old get into his smash cake quite like AJ did. It took him a couple of minutes to get the hang of it…and by the time he was finished, there was no cake leftover!