Last week, for fun and for part of my audition tape to the new Cake Boss show on TLC, I made a soccer cleat cake! Nothing fancy…just a shoe with some Adidas stripes down the side.
But instead of writing “Adidas” on the back, I wanted to write a country’s name. At this point, we were down to 4 teams in the finals…and I picked Spain! Why? Because “Netherlands,” “Germany,” and “Uruguay” were too long to write…
So I’m rooting for Spain today in the finals match! I guess I made a pretty good choice because Paul the Oracle Octopus agrees:
But back to the cake…Our friend Mike was visiting last weekend. He’s a big guy. He’s 6’8″ to my 5’1″…to give you an idea of the size difference, I once wore my sneakers INSIDE his and walked around the house. Mmhm. So the boy needs food, and he was eying the cake all night. I finally realized that he was not eating it only because he didn’t want to make the first cut. But as soon as I said, “Mike, please eat some cake.” He stopped what he was doing and said, “Really? How do I cut it?”
It’s always fun to watch people cut a cake for the first time so here are the pictures of Mike cutting it:
Notice how he put the let into it…for added emphasis.
Oooo, scary face! Is that the face you make when you play video games???
So who will win the world cup today? Oranje or Roja? Viva la Roja!
I love the soccer cleat and that Spain won the World Cup! Hopefully their win & your appropriately labeled cleat will bring you good news on the audition!
Did they ask you to make an audition tape???
Yes, they did! I submitted it last Monday and am waiting to hear back. 🙂 Have they asked you too?
No 🙁 They asked for more pics of my work after I submitted my app (July 2nd ish) but I haven't heard anything since. Maybe they only have room for one PhD… Good luck!
I wouldn't worry about it. They have to wade through SO many applications. I'm sure it's hard to pick out the real talent. Whatever happens, be confident in your work and apply again next time. 🙂 (And for the record, this is like the 4th show I've applied for…and the first time I've been asked to submit a video.)