“Reveal anything – as long as it is true and you have never shared it with anyone before.”
This is the simple request that has inspired thousands of people to submit their secrets on postcards to Frank Warren, who posts some of them on his blog and has included many in his 4 published books.
Why do people submit their most private secrets to Frank? After all, he’d probably be the first to admit that he’s just a regular guy. The phenomenon is puzzling and astonishing, to say the least. The messages on the post cards range from long-repressed confessions to admissions of socially unacceptable emotions, from apologies to regrets, from warnings to promises.
Are they all true? It’s hard to tell. In fact, Frank discusses this point on his website. Regardless if the secret is true for the author or not, another reader may find serendipitous truth in the message. Lives have changed, and will continue to change, because of these postcards – through both authorship and readership.
Frank describes the postcards as individual pieces of art. So true! But they are also glimpses into the author’s life and experiences. The messages are purposely kept brief and, sometimes, cryptic. When reading them, you’ll find yourself imagining the situation. You’ll recall things from your own past that you had long forgotten. You’ll be shocked, appalled, and impressed all at the same time.
While I love checking in on PostSecret from time to time, the purpose for this post is to spread the word that Frank is coming to the University of Florida to share his personal story and show some of the secrets that were banned from his books!
September 15, 2009
Phillips Center for the Performing Arts
A limited number of tickets will be distributed to UF students with a Gator One ID on Friday September 11 and Monday September 14 at both the Phillips Center and the University Box Office starting at noon. Remaining tickets will be distributed to the public beginning at noon on September 15th at the Phillips Center.