Well, Easter has come and gone…and Adam did not win the Golden Ticket from Sucre. Oh well, maybe next time.
However, he LOVES the milk chocolate egg! Knowing him, he’ll savor it for the next year. If it were me, it’d be gone tomorrow…but that’s just me.
To be honest, we actually have TWO milk chocolate eggs now. Apparently the UPS delivery person who brought us the first one took out all his frustrations on the box and the egg was destroyed. When I emailed Sucre about the problem, they immediately put another egg in the mail. Awesome customer service!
Adam didn’t find the Golden Ticket in either egg. Dang! As Sucre promised, though, the eggs did contain great coupons for a Free Kid’s Cup of Gelato. Since we’re not going to be in New Orleans before the coupons expire, I want to give them to you!
So…the first person from New Orleans* that comments on this post gets the coupons!
*You must actually live in New Orleans. I will only ship to a New Orleans address.
Ready? GO!
Becky, yes your comment counts! I'm glad I can send the coupons to someone! However, I'm going to delete your comment since it has your sister's full mailing address in it. I'll mail the coupons to her asap. 🙂
Thanks, Melanie!