We all know the old saying, “The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.” And what Dad would turn down a yummy treat like a cake! Here’s a cake I created for my Dad with lots of hidden inside jokes. Don’t worry though, I’ll share all of them with you. *wink*
My Dad loved to go away for the weekend for some good old-fashioned fishing! My Mom would pack a cooler full of food & snacks and he’d spend the whole weekend fishing, reading, eating, and sleeping (and probably in that order). So, for his birthday this year, we made a cake depicting his relaxing get-away weekends and all the things/memories he cherishes.
The cooler obviously represented my Mom and all the snacks she packed for him. But it also reminded him of the camping trip where a sneaky raccoon kept stealing his snacks right out of the cooler!
The Bible portrayed his devotion to God, and the poker chips on the tree stump were there because poker is one of his favorite past times. The juxtaposition of these 2 items on the cake is a bit ironic, isn’t it? Hehehe
The fire pit on the right-hand side reminded my Dad of a funny memory of my sister falling backwards into a fire pit (with no fire currently in it) on a family vacation. And, hidden in the grass around the tent is a miniature Indian’s arrow-head that was priceless to my Dad growing up. The fish hanging on the side of the tent represent some of the fish he may have caught on the trip as well as his new granddaughter (ie. One fish, Two fish, Red fish, Blue fish)!
What would you put on your Dad’s personalized cake?! What what flavors would he choose?!