Last weekend, we had the honor of making a luau-themed cake for an office family picnic. The office hosting the get-together happened to be Mel’s husband’s office…but that’s just a minor detail. *wink*
In any event, the cake was fun to make! They gave us free reign to decorate it however we pleased. And we gave them this tantalizing sneak peek on Facebook.
We incorporated a grass skirt, surf boards, tribal masks, hibiscus flowers, and bright colors! In fact, everything you see in the photo above is edible! Here’s a close-up of the hibiscus flower topper:
And a close-up of the tribal masks and grass skirt.
As party attendees, we HAD to enter our daughter Mikaela in the Hawaiian costume contest! Here are Mikaela and her Daddy before the competition:
And, yes, she was one of 4 costume contest winners! Look at her though…how could she not win?! Such a cutie! (Ok, we’re biased…but we still think she’s the cutest baby in a grass skirt!)