Wedding cakes are great! While I’m decorating them, I like to try to imagine the bride and groom on what is possibly the happiest day of their life. I picture them cutting the cake and oo-ing and ah-ing over the decorations. It makes me smile.
But I have to admit that decorating wedding cakes sometimes bores me. Most of them are white with all white decorations. Some have a little color, but I’d so much rather make it hot pink or lime green or something crazy like that!
Still, they are gorgeous and romantic.
Here’s a cake I did a couple of weeks ago. It was covered in white fondant and had several light green blossoms with a few large bright blue flowers!
These are some of the hardest cakes to decorate. I always tell people that professional cake decorators aren’t perfect – they’re just good at hiding their mistakes. But on a cake this bare, you really have to be careful!
The green blossoms were brushed with petal dust, and the blue blossoms were brushed with petal dust and then airbrushed to add depth. I really love how vibrant they were. They really popped off that white background!